Event & Wedding Planner

Wapping Warehouse Wedding

Cosy winter wedding in converted warehouse in Wapping. 

Event Planning & Management for Disappearing Dining Club. Photo credit below - Devin Lee Ainslie 

Here's a lovely write up from the feature on Love My Dress http://www.lovemydress.net/blog/2016/04/first-look-late-afternoon-winter-wedding-quirky-warehouse-london.html

London Lighthouse Wedding

It was such a joy working with Rox & Greg for their wedding in amazing Trinity Buoy Wharf, Aug 2015! 

"Dita, Thank you so much for all of your help with our wedding. We can honestly say that we couldn't have done it without you! You have been a massive support to us & a complete god send! Big Thank You to all of the team as well. Lot of Love Rox & Greg x"

Photo credit - www.eclection-photography.com

Here's one of the features of the day - Rock My Wedding

Corporate Cabaret Dinner Party

International company ABBYY wanted something to really make a mark. Guests had come from all over Europe for their yearly conference. Hidden venue in the middle of Shoreditch, big pretend London bouncer, sharing dinner feast & lots of entertainment!

They are still talking about it! :)

Photo credit - Nick Ensing